Freelance artist, painter

Freelance artist / art painting assistent for the Bavaria Filmstudios from 1983 – 1990

Countless exhibitions in Munich, Grafing, Wasserburg, Graz, Locarno

Since 1991 artistic-pedagogical work in facilities for children

Training in naturopathy through vision search in nature, indigenous healing methods and shamanic healing

Training in Shiatsu- holistic bodywork at the energy pathways with massages and acupressure

Metamorphosis- Foot reflex zones for the further development of the potential of children, teenagers and adults

1999 The Bach-Büten Behandlungsbuch by Bettina Zenker published by Knaur MensSana

Training to certified art therapist at KI Institute Munich by Thurid Stewart

Since October 2018 own art therapy workshop