Dj Mell G is definitely a newcomer to watch. Her fast-paced sets will make you move and combine an exciting mixture of various styles. Enjoy!
Hello Melina how are you and what have you been up to recently?
Hey there! At the moment I’m doing really well for these times. After a musical block i finally found my way back to my sound and i’m busy producing and trying to build up a platform for my label Juicy Gang with my team. It’s pretty hard for me being inspired and motivated in corona times.
You live in Hamburg. How would you describe the situation there at the moment? 

I’ve been living in Hamburg for a year now, so i only know Hamburg in corona times. The last half year I haven’t got so much time for music because i had a full-time job. That’s where i think the musical block came from. But with my new job i have time to breathe again and i’m producing a lot in the studio and smashing the turntables with my studio mate aitch. So it’s bearable. However, I can’t wait to get to know the Hamburger club scene yeahj. 

2020 was a pretty crazy year. How did you cope with it and would you like to share anything you discovered during this time that helped you like music, books, movies, food, thoughts or whatever?
Haha, yes it was crazy. But to be honest, this year was very important for my music career, because people discovered my music because they had the time to discover new music. Also, I met a lot of new lovely people and connected with many different artists. So im very grateful.
The dialogue with other artists helps me a lot to deal with the overall situation, because we all have the same problem and are therefore not alone. And you have to keep that in mind. 
What annoys you or has pissed you off lately?
For 3 weeks the direct s-bahn connection to the studio was closed, fuck u HVV.
What excites you besides music?
Coffee and coffee roasting! My great passion.
Anything coming up you want to share with us? Any shout-outs or final statements?
There’s a lot happening this year. I’ve got a couple of records coming out on my label juicy gang and some more labels. Can’t wait to finally get my music on vinyl. 
And s/o to all the people in our music scene who keep up the great work and who were still motivated to release and create music in these times!!!!! big up <3