Addison Groove has been releasing funky bangers for a decade and his forth album will come out soon. Bristol represent. Enjoy!
Hello Antony how are you and what have you been up to recently?
Hello! Well we are in very uncertain times right now (March 2020), so like everyone else, self isolation is order of the day which has lead me to start doing live streams on my Instagram & FB pages every night. I’m not sure how long this will last, but for now its helping the mind and keeping me in touch with people.
Also, i have recently rounded up a big music project that will be released in the very near future.
You live in Bristol. How would you describe the city and music scene there at the moment?
It’s without question that Bristol’s music history is very significant, the city never stops. We are seeing clubs come and go, and an ever evolving music scene and I’m forever impressed with the amount of talent here. I am a Bristol native so i have seen things evolve from Jungle to DnB thru to Dubstep and whatever we have now. It’s an exciting place to live and its an even better place to come back to after i’ve been on the road.
What annoys you or has pissed you off lately?
Well i speak for everyone that the Covid 19 Virus has tested my patience. What DJ out there hasn’t got a gig cancellation? We are at an extreme crisis and right now and nothing is certain. Another thing that has been sad is the passing of a good friend; Naoki E-Jima, an absolute gent and activist of the Bristol music scene. RIP to Naoki. I should mention that there has been a compilation made in his honour from artists all over the world including a new Headhunter tune of mine. Get over to BS0 Bandcamp to check it out.
What excites you besides music?
Mezcal, not many know this but Dj Pinch and I have our own Mezcal Brand – Mezky. We import mezcal and age it in whisky barrels, at the moment we sell it in bars in Bristol and on our online shop – Mezky.com. I guess you can say drinking gets me excited.
Anything coming up you want to share with us? Any shout-outs or final statements?
Yes, I have my 4th Album dropping on Gutterfunk on April 10th. None of his would have been possible without DJ Die, a few years ago he found some of my older tunes on his HD and suggested to put them out then as a year passed he had a few more and now we have an album ready. He really gave me the belief to get back in the studio and make music. Sometimes we all need that extra push, so I send a huge shout out to DJ Die and the Gutterfunk crew.
Another big shout out to my bro DJ Pinch and producer partner Sam Binga. And of course you guys at illan tape for the chance to do this guest mix, its a bit of an epic one for these epic times we are living in.
Follow me on Instagram for live videos and updates – @addisongroove & @mezkymezky