We start 2017 with a podcast from Konrad Wehrmeister. He has released records on Public Possession & SVS and is an overall placid dude. Enjoy!
Hello Konrad how are you and what have you been up to recently?
Hi there, I am exploring a deep and frosty Bavarian winter season, therefore I am making more music lately…
You just moved back to Munich after living in Berlin for a while. How was your time in Berlin and why did you move back to Munich?
Over the years in Berlin I met a lot of good people, which I am strongly connected with! I came to Munich for a technician-job at a theatre, which is really demanding but also very exciting! It still takes some time to realize the change of lifestyle I am experiencing by moving back to Munich.
How would you describe Munich and what do you think about the music scene here right now?
For me, Munich is a city embedded with a lot of childhood memories. Growing up here was definitely something really special and unburdened. During the years away from the city, I noticed a lot of things going on musically that sounded really fresh and exciting. In Munich, artists engage in different creative fields simultaneously and really search for special places in order to make quality parties. Collaborations with Munich labels evolved when I was still living in Berlin; therefore I had a soft landing coming back here.
What excites you besides music?
I love climbing!
Anything coming up you want to share with us? Any shout-outs or final statements?
May the force be with us!
Shout out to : Wühlisch29, SVS Crew, Maxim Wolzyn, Luke the jeweler, PP, Talski, Otis Jackson Jr., IFZ, Thaden6Crew, MModemm, the nice homeless guy from the Isar Bridge, Vesta Kaza, Jonas Friedlich, Toresch