We are big fans of Peverelist since many years and we have nothing but respect for all the things he is involved in. Therefore we are super stoked that he contributed a killer podcast to our series!

Hi Tom how are you and what have you been up to lately?

I’m good, been busy making preparations for the new Livity Sound 12” from myself and Kowton which is out really soon. Got a busy month this month with Bloc festival this weekend and then a few dates in Germany over the next couple of weeks.

You have managed the Rooted Records store in Bristol for a decade. That’s a pretty long time. How was the store, the music and experience to work there?

It’s a very long time but i loved it and was very sad when it ended. I poured a lot in to it and would like to think we had one of the best independent vinyl stores in the UK. The music and the industry as a whole changed so much over a decade and it was amazing to bear witness to that. I worked there 2000 to 2010.

Does it still exist and why did you stop managing it?

No it had to close, the lease was up on the building and the landlord wanted to increase the rent and make a new 5 year deal and it wasn’t viable.

Livity Sound is the label you run together with Kowton & Asusu and you guys also play live under that name. How is the label and the boy group going and what do you have planned for this year?

ha very good. We’re playing our last live show for a while at BLOC so expect a Spinal Tap style grande finale to the set. The plan for the year is to put out some records, play some great music, travel to some nice places, meet some cool people and generally have a lovely time, can’t ask for much more than that.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would you choose and why?

I’ll collaborate with anyone but they need to have a decent selection of biscuits and a lot of patience (with me) or its not going to work.

What annoys you or has pissed you off lately?

Doing interviews and recording mixes. ZING! (but you know i love Ilian Tape so its fine x).

What excites you besides music?

Darts, beer, crisps. In any order or preferably at the same time.

Anything coming up you want to share with us? Any shout-outs or final statement?

My new record with Kowton on Livity Sound is out on the 16th March so keep your eyes peeled for that…