Paris is hot right now so it’s no surprise that our 15th podcast is the second from Paris already. Coni has released some dope records on ClekClekBoom lately and is definitely somebody to watch. Enjoy the ride!
The Zenker Brothers invited him to play at their Munich City Dance Jams night at Kong in Munich on October 18th.
Hi Coni how are you and what have you been up to recently?
I’m very good thanks. I just finished my master degree of P&R and communication, and now I’m finally taking my full time for the music. I’m quite excited about this new chapter of my life to be honest.
You live in Paris. How would you describe the city and how is the scene there?
Paris is a very unique city, we are lucky to have a very large culture, there are so many things going on right now. These days, we have amazing parties with good promoters taking risks booking nice artists, we have a lot of good labels: some fresh & brand new redefining their own idea of club music, I think about In Paradisium, Antinote & my favourite: Latency Recordings.
For 2 or 3 years there is a better respect of the dj and when I say dj, I think about the music digger. People come to a party to let the dj impress them. I remember when I started dj (around 2006) that most of the djs in the club had to play the hits, and It was terribly boring. Real club music parties were “underground” and very rare to find in Paris. Nowadays good club music is findable pretty everywhere in town. It’s refreshing!
So far you have mainly released on ClekClekBoom. Can you tell us more about the label and your connection with it?
Yes sure, I started to go out a lot when I was 16-17 and I met Manaré and Bambounou. I used to send some music to them and one day French Fries came to me (I didn’t know him at this time) and asked me to do an EP on ClekClekBoom, which was not yet a label. Then we started to hang out together and we became friends. I met the rest of the guys (The Boo, Ministre X & Aleqs Notal) and now we spend most of our time having fun together.
The Zenker Brothers invited you to play at Kong on the 18th of October. Will this be your first time in Munich and what do you know about the city? Are you a FC Bayern fan?
Yes It will be my first time in Munich. I don’t know that much about the city except the fact that the nightlife is really active but really different from Berlin. And I’m pretty excited about this party together; everyone told me you were THE guys to party with in town plus apparently Kong is amazing! So as we say in french chuicho! http://fr.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chuicho
And sorry guys you know I love football but I don’t really like the FC Bayern as most of your guys are german and beat us during the World Cup. You can imagine how sad I was.
If you could collaborate with any artist, who would you choose and why?
There are so many artists that I would love to work with. It would be hot to see how x-103 (Robert Hood & Jeff Mills) were working together, I really love this project, especially the Thera EP.
And I would love to work with a singer such as Liz Torres, I love the strength of her voice and how It fits into house music.
Some new and some old shit you’re digging right now?
Yes I really like the Five Years various of Stroboscopic Artefacts with Rrose & Perc tracks. There is as well the Greg Beato alias Breaker 1 2 – Breakin‘ EP which is amazing : deep club music at its finest. About the old shit, I’m actually in a « purpose maker » mood, I’m digging the whole catalogue trying to know everything from Mills. I love this groovy congas rhythm 140 bpm vibe.
What annoys you or has pissed you off lately?
I don’t really understand those people who act as they love & know club music but always shout out to you “ALLEZ LAAAA/Come on” and ask for some “strong techno”. They always want a strong “kick”. Funny annoying people
What excites you besides music ?
I love cinema, I spend most of my time watching movies in my room or going to the theatre. I have a fascination for the weird old movies or 90’s American movies. For me music & cinema are really connected and I love the aesthetic that you can build with them together. And as you know I love football, I’m a PSG fan so I try to don’t miss any game. Otherwise I love spending time with my friends, having some alcohol and debating about everything.
Anything coming up you want to share with us? Any shout-outs or final statements?
Yes I just finished a remix for a german-greek label called “Nous”, It will be out this month.
And shout out to Verratti for his first goal against FB Barcelona and I’m looking forward to the Kong party in Munich with you,
Thanks again guys, love & respect for the label !