A1. Astral Glow ft. Jessica Pham
A2. Disembodied ft. Marvz
A3. Warp Field
A4. Drifting ft. Robin Jermer
A5. Fear ft. Robin Jermer
A6. Release
A7. Transcending
B1. Crystallized
B2. Fluid State
B3. Black Lotus
B4. Space Suite 503
B5. Arrival / Will We Stay The Same? ft. Marco Zenker
Packed Rich’s Warp Fields LP depicts the journey of an individual traveling through a field of energy that connects different locations in space. Through the course of this journey the individual experiences a metamorphosis through different stages of physical existence and spiritual consciousness in order to overcome the borders of space and time. The question remains if the individual will still maintain the same sense of consciousness and distinction of self that originally made up its personality.
Mastered by Tangible Air
Artwork by Hubert Spangler (Bloomfeld)
Published by Ilian Tape Publishing
Distributed by Diamonds & Pearls
can hear dat MPC chopping
salute Roger 23 (Ilian Tape)Oha.. It takes a while to get into, but those records are often the BEST! Take your time and listen careful! Great Outsider tunes for german Autobahns.. Fantastic! Basic Soul Unit (Dolly)Nice varied beats and vibes. Sciahri (Sublunar)Amazing!! Johannes Volk (Exploration)What a great album! Andres Zacco (Ilian Tape)great music! thanks guys! AliAVery interesting !! Simple (Ilian Tape)you know it. miss yall Victor (Magic Power)packed richie Philip Sherburne (Pitchfork)Thanks! Traveling at the moment but will listen asap Mitch Strashnov (Inverted Audio)A rich, ruminating sonic journey that delves between hip-hop, IDM, junglism and emotive invocations. Amir (Satellite Era)WOW! So used to the usual Packed Rich style: raunchy trip-hop & smoked-out trax. This is such a nice change of pace while still holding some of that same formula. There are a lot of DJ-ready tunes here 🙂 sending love from Chicago!